Monday, January 9, 2017

update 1-9

Welcome to 2017!  Happy New Year!

A few changes this semester to reading homework...there will be no more paper homework being given out.  All homework is now online through Google Classroom.  The reading homework will typically be one 6-8 sentence paragraph and one vocabulary entry about the independent book your child is reading at home along with one Digital Readworks assignment.  Digital Readworks is reading an online article or story and answering a set of questions.  We have practiced both things in class so your child should be comfortable logging in and in knowing how to complete these things.  If there are Internet issues or any questions, please let me know.  Ask your child to login to show you at anytime.  Click this link to see the homework due this week.

We are learning about point of view and how it affects the way a person may see something.  Today, we started our mini-unit on World War 2.  The time period was introduced along with some general information regarding WW2.  This is to prepare us to read a historical fiction book called Number the Stars next week.  The rest of this week, we will be reading a biography about a man named Mr. Sugihara who wrote visas for Jewish people along with some letters from kids experiencing World War 2.  The week will end with an article on Denmark because Number the Stars takes place there.  Click here to learn more about the book.  On Friday, our first reading formative of the quarter will take place.

Image result for number the stars

In writing, we are working on using evidence to support our ideas as we will writing a piece on changes that happened during World War 2.  It lies into our literary analysis and informational standards.

Reading Counts Goals for 3rd quarter have been set with your child.  Look for an informational paper in your child's report card envelope this Friday.  It will show your child's progress from 2nd quarter along with a self-selected goal for 3rd quarter.  I will enter those into the computer this week.  Happy reading!

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