Monday, September 12, 2016

update 9-12

Our first weekly ten went over very well!  The students will receive those back tomorrow, please look for those in the take-home folders and keep them at home.

In reading, we continue to work on main idea.  Today, we watched a short video and started reading about The Hindenburg in our Storyworks magazines.  We will use these throughout the year in our class as it is a mixture of fiction and informational text.  Tomorrow, we will finish that article looking at the main ideas and details.

I gave a sample book talk today and received horrible reviews.  My promise was that tomorrow I will try again and put more effort into it.  ;)

In writing, we worked on writing leads today.  See some samples below.  Midweek we will be starting to type some drafts of an expert piece that will be used in a class book that we will be publishing.  For this, students will write one page all about a topic they know plus create a one-page illustration.  More information about this will be sent home soon if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the class work.

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