Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Update 9-7

Our Getting to Know You Days were a success!  The students seemed to have a great time and were sorted into "houses" based on Harry Potter.    They traveled to different teachers completing activities along with assessments.

This Friday in L.A., we have our first weekly ten.  A weekly ten is basically a reading quiz that has one article with questions equally ten points.  It is a review of the skills we have been learning in class.  These skills are:  main idea and supporting details, summarizing, inferring, context clues, and text structure.  We completed a practice weekly ten today which we will grade and discuss tomorrow (it doesn't count).

Reading logs are due each Friday. I do expect students to write complete, detailed sentences and to write neatly.  These are some examples of high-quality work as an example.

In writing, we are still working on writing expert pieces and topics we know a lot about.  We also have worked on creating subheadings that will fit under a topic.  We will continue to practice organizing our writing as the year continues.  See an example below.

Today, I met with all students that were here about Reading Counts.  Each child now has directions in their planner along with a hand-written goal for the first quarter.  Goals are flexible if need be.  All points for 1st quarter are earned until October 13.  

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