Monday, October 3, 2016

update 10-3

Fiction continues to be our focus in class.  We have reviewed characters, setting, plot, theme, summarizing, and story elements.  The kids have spent a lot of time during reading workshop in reading their own independent books and applying the skills to those.  We have also been sharing a lot with others with the goal of inspiring someone else to read the book!  Wednesday will be a formative for fiction and then one next week to end our quarter.

Our expert pieces are finished!  Thanks to those who have turned in the permission form with the possibility to order a book back in.  I do need those by Friday so please let me know if you need another copy.

Our writing will shift this week to literary analysis.  That means writing about fiction and comparing and contrasting characters, settings, events, themes, etc.   In class, we are reading aloud together The Boys Start the War, and kids will start comparing that book to their own.

Image result for boys start the war

Reading Counts points are due by next Thursday, October 13.

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