Monday, October 17, 2016

Update 10–17

Second quarter was off to a great start today!  We started watching National Treasure and the kids LOVED it.  They seemed to be excited to watch the rest tomorrow.  As we watch it, we are noting the characters, setting, plot, and tomorrow will be theme.  This quarter we will start the book Capture the Flag on Wednesday.  Each child will be provided a copy of the book that will travel from school to home and then back to school.  

Our writing continues to focus on Literary Analysis as we will be comparing characters, settings, plot, and theme.  The reading log homework this week is practice with this with the kids comparing the main character in their books to themselves.  

The book projects last week were great!  I have attached pictures at the bottom for everyone to check them out.  There are some in the hallway, some in the science lab, and others on display in my room.  I was impressed!

Reading Counts for 2nd quarter will be set up this week and a progress report from 1st quarter will be sent home with report cards on Friday.  A SRI report will also be included to let you know your child's lexile level in reading.  The goal for kids by the end of fifth grade is to score between 700-1000.  This is a test that students in grades 5-12 in Aurora continue to take yearly to monitor their reading progress.

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