Wednesday, March 1, 2017

update 3-1

Welcome to March!  This week in class, students have had independent reading time to read a free choice book.  Last week, we read informational books and learned some very interesting facts!  All kids received reading counts goal reports today.  They had the chance to ask questions if need be.   Goals are due in two weeks on March 15.

This week, we have focused on reading traditional literature.  We started the week with folktales and will end the week with tall tales.  Please ask your child what they read!  As fifth graders, their job is to be able to analyze character, setting, theme, and/or plot in a story.  We wrote responses discussing similarities and differences between our folktales in these areas.  In writing, we have also looked at samples and discussed what we noticed.  Our latest discussions have included compliments and suggestions for authors.    Then, students are creating writing goals that they reflect on while finishing or revising their responses.  Some samples are below.Overall, the reading and writing skills are growing!

Next week, we will be taking a practice AIR test on the computer so the kids can become comfortable with the computer settings and features.  Also, at the end of next week will be a reading summative covering fiction and informational text.  Happy reading and writing!

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