Last week before Spring Break! This week, I met with all kids about their Reading Counts goals from 3rd quarter and they set new goals for the last quarter. Kids enjoyed a reward today for working hard to earn all of their points. 4th quarter reading counts goals are due the last week of school in May.
There has not been a reading log the last few weeks due to testing. Instead, students have a slip of paper that is glued into their planners to record pages read each day. In class, we update those daily as we read around 30 minutes in class each day. Students had to write goals for a daily number of pages being read between class and at home. Each day, students should read at least 20 minutes at home in addition to school. The more we read, the better readers we become!
This week, we have read a mix of informational and fictional texts. Yesterday, we finished an article about monster goldfish and wild pigs being invasive species. Today, we read a story about a boy whose Uncle lost his hat and chased around town to try to find it. We also talked about the words tone and mood.
Our week will end reading some informational texts together about Arbor Day and the importance of trees. Students will be creating posters and writing stories related to this topic. We will develop and design our main characters to write a story about saving the rainforests.
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