Monday, April 3, 2017

update 4-3

Here's hoping Spring Break was great!  In class today, the kids had a chance to share about it with their peers.  I heard about some fun things that took place.

Today, we finished up our Arbor Day posters for the Arbor Day poster contest sent out by Mrs. Will.  We will use those as a springboard to writing a story related to the theme.  Either:  Captain Planet saves our forests!
Sarah Rainmaker saves our forests!
We will type those in class tomorrow and into Wednesday. Before writing, we will review good leads for narratives and making sure to include a problem, rising action, and resolution. The kids already designed their main characters, settings, and problem/solutions. Some were so excited and going to start it tonight!

Independent reading this week is informational in class and relates to the topic of Space. Today, kids were able to shop for a space related book and had to record 2 questions with 2 answers based from their books. Ask your child about it! Next week, we will start our planet projects (this involves researching and making something at home).

The rest of the week will involve more reading and some researching, which will keep us busy. In your child's planner, we started a goal setting paper for number of pages read daily. The average goal for a fifth grader should be 20-30 pages a week. Students are setting a goal and keeping track daily in school which allows them to reflect on their goals. Please check that if you haven't seen it yet.

Reading Counts goals are due by the end of the year- May 19th.

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