Thursday, April 13, 2017

update 4-13

This week our focus has been on the Solar System and the planets.  We started with a video on the Solar System and each child chose a planet to research more.  In class, we have been reading about that planet and taking notes on it.  Today, we started writing our reports on the planets.

Next Wednesday, a planet project is due in class.  Each student will present his or hers to the class.  Students have the option to use paper or a computer to create the project.  The requirement sheet is attached.  I have been showing samples each day of projects and asking students to give feedback so they should understand what is expected.  I showed them a variety of projects- some were posters and others on the computer.  Click here to view the project.

We have also been reading our fictional books each day in class too.  This week we drew character sketches related to our books in our reading notebooks.

I sent home a colored half sheet of cardstock with each child that has the books he/she has read the first 3 quarters.  In fourth quarter, we started gluing small sheets into planners so that serves the same purpose as the half-sheets.  Feel free to check those out to see what your child is reading each day.

A Chipotle Reading Rewards Calendar went home at the beginning of April for any child interested.  Those are due by May 3.

Reading Counts is due by May 19.

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